How Paris is turning the page on single-use plastic


Updated on 10/09/2024

Refreshing fountains in the streets of Paris.
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In 2019, the City set itself a big goal: zero single-use plastic in 2024 for hosting the Olympic and Paralympic Games. Find out what we're doing to get there!

What is single-use plastic?

Single-use plastic refers to packaging made completely or partially from plastic, and there are many misconceptions surrounding this topic.
In addition to plastic bottles and cups, aluminum/steel cans, beverage cartons and even cardboard cups are single-use plastics (because they contain a layer of plastic). Similarly, all plastics, whether recycled, bio-sourced, compostable or "biodegradable", are still single-use plastics that pollute the environment.
Beyond Paris, single-use plastic waste accounts for 50% of the garbage found on European Union beaches. According to Unesco, it causes the death of over a million seabirds every year.
5 easy eco-actions
Take your water bottle, bring your own container when ordering takeaway, use a reusable bag when shopping, don't throw your cigarette butt on the ground or buy in bulk… These are all ecogestures that benefit both you and the environment!
Find out more.
Eau de Paris, at Paris Plage.

The Paris 2024 Games, an opportunity for change

During the summer of 2024, the local authority wants visitors and Parisians to be able to celebrate the Games without single-use plastic, whether for drinks, catering or residual goodies. The aim is also to offer them areas where bulk and reuse will be an integral part of everyday life.
Reduction and reuse will be the two main levers of action to offer a single-use plastic-free experience in Parisian celebration areas and around official sites (banks of the Seine, experimental districts, tourist monuments).

What will change

On city-managed festival sites

In each arrondissement and at various totemic sites (Académie du Climat, etc.), visitors will be able to eat using reusable cups or bowls, or by bringing their own.

On the competition sites

Water bottles will be allowed (and recommended) for easy refilling at the hundreds of water fountains… and soda fountains too!

Everything that has already changed in the capital

Eau de Paris, always at your fingertips

In 1,200 fountains and 1,000 shops

Find out where to fill your water bottle for free with this map.
Young women filling their drinking water bottles at a fountain provided by the City of Paris.
Key figures
500,000 plastic bottles are not consumed thanks to the "Ici, je choisis l'eau de Paris" campaign.
40 tonnes of plastic eliminated by 2023.

The return of the tub

In Paris, fast-food restaurants generate over 15 tonnes of waste every day! That's why the local authority and a number of catering establishments have been running an experiment since 2022 with the return of the deposit.

To find out more
La Consigne GreenGo

A "Zero Plastic" label

In April 2023, the City of Paris launched the first zero single-use plastic certification for economic players. The certification is free of charge.

Find out more
La Consigne GreenGo

In sports clubs

Adopting reusable cups, no longer distributing plastic bottles, raising awareness among members and instructors… sports clubs have a role to play in abandoning single-use plastic!

To find out more
Athlete using a water bottle at the Jules Ladoumègue sports center

For road races

From September1, 2024, all races organized in the capital will have to stop using single-use plastic.
The 14th arrondissement's 10 km race has already set an example.

To find out more
The starting arch for the 14th arrondissement 10km. Runners are about to start the race.

In nurseries

Abandoning plastic also means limiting exposure to endocrine disruptors. Parisian nurseries are well aware of this, and have been sidelining plastic for several years now.

To find out more
Young child on top of a structure in a crèche

What professionals say!

Zero single-use plastic commits us and shows our employees and customers that it can be done.

Marie Azzi
Hotel manager
The Hotel Rosalie, in the 13th arrondissement, has committed to zero single-use plastic. At breakfast, tea is loose, jam comes in its original jars and yoghurt is homemade. In the rooms, the courtesy tray offers freshly ground coffee - a French press is available - and Rooibos tea is brewed in tongs. Water in glass carafes is microfiltered and osmosed: no more plastic bottles!

This process was made possible and accelerated thanks to the support of the City of Paris.

Les Frères Blavette
The Blavette brothers' bakery in the 14th arrondissement of Paris has adopted a zero-waste approach. Packaging is reduced to a strict minimum, and a zero-waste loyalty card has been launched to reward customers who leave without packaging or with their own containers. The deposit for fresh fruit juices has just been extended to salads, daily specials, soups and coffees.